In celebration of World Pride Month, Deliveroo and fast food brand LEON partnered with us here at Pop'n'Olly. Customers ordering at LEON through the Deliveroo app will receive FREE copies of our books 'Kenny Lives with Erica & Martina' and 'Prince Henry' with selected meals.
Customers in London, Manchester and Brighton will be able to 'opt in' to add the books to deliveries with selected meal orders. So make sure you get your FREE book and support our #kennylives Campaign!
Alternatively you can donate a copy of 'Kenny Lives' to your local primary school and find out more about the campaign by clicking HERE!
With relationship education being made compulsory for all primary age pupils from September 2020, Deliveroo and LEON are doing their bit to raise children’s awareness of the diverse range of relationships before entering secondary school. A recent study of more than 1,000 teachers in UK schools revealed that 13% of children are bullied because of their sexuality.
Our Director and CEU (Chief Executive Unicorn), Olly Pike would like to say...
“I can't thank LEON and Deliveroo enough for helping me to deliver a positive message of LGBT+ acceptance. Pride month may be a little different this year, but together we can still share stories of equality and kindness to help encourage a brighter future for everyone.”
Want to find out more about Pop'n'Olly?
If you are new to Pop'n'Olly and want to find out more about our award winning equality resources then please do check out our website.
Click HERE Go to the Website.

Also make sure to check out our Equality Education Podcast where Pop'n'Olly Director, Olly, alongside some great guests, discuss best practices for a truly inclusive LGBT+ education.
Listen HERE!
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